We worked for YEARS to get this club idea off the ground and implement the awesome things The Kindness Offensive were doing in the UK here in the U.S.
We succeeded……behold, the FIRST
CLUB TKO!! (for kids & schools!)
We are doing our inaugural year at an Orange County, CA elementary school with an awesome Principal that helped us create and supported my crazy project. Not only did we get it accomplished and advertised before school got out, but we got 25 dedicated Ambassadors and even more applications to kick off our 2019-2020 year.
They will each have their own Ambassador shirts, business cards, monthly service projects, and events on campus to bring together ALL kids and ensure inclusion always.

These pioneers are going to get service credit and be up for President’s Volunteer Awards, will be working hand-in-hand with their Principal, PTO, staff and local leaders in their city. We can’t wait to tell you more as we start spreading awesomeness this summer. Until then, follow the adventures of our mascot as he travels the globe this summer spreading the word that even 8 & 9 year olds can change the world!
Let us know if you want to know how to start up your own anywhere in the states for your school – elementary, Jr. High, or High School.
To learn more about my friends in London who helped me and inspired me click here to see the Kindness Offensive in action.
And one more thing….can you help us name our mascot who will be traveling the globe this summer spreading awesomeness in the name of Club TKO summer 2019?
Club TKO Mascot