Believe me, no one is more surprised than me that after just 4-5 months of launching our website and social media handles we have over 15,000 followers on
Facebook, nearly 5500 on
Instagram and a
lot of press.
It all started with a nearly half page article in the OC Register in July 2014 introducing us to our local area which lead to other media outlets reaching out to discuss what we are doing and why.

Then came other periodicals, radio shows, blogging networks, online news and media outlets which gave us such an amazing platform to get where we really wanted to go which was to the eyes and ears of schools, national organizations, other philanthropists and crusaders, and to kids and adults alike.
Why do people respond as they do to the Infinite Smile Project? I have heard many reasons but I believe the main one is that people feel the world really just needs some simple kindness and something that has no other purpose but create a great good at home……..then community……and ultimately to spread across the world any way it can. The wonderful thing about this day and age is with social media it has done just that.

ISP was featured in the advice column for November 2014 issue and Kim named one of the top Mom Entrepreneurs in OC
Although this has been said to me several times, just yesterday I met with a great elementary school teacher who had come across our kindness program in a kids’ camp we partnered with over the summer. Her daughter was in this week-long camp which was a dance camp that had a strong element of kindness and a demonstration of how it can strengthen a group of peers working in a team who were strangers just days prior. She told me her daughter loved it and it made her so happy engaging in these activities that week. Her exact comment to me was, “Why has no one thought of this?”

The hand-painted art my 4-year old twins made for their Uncle days before his passing.
Such a simple concept – kindness and acts for the greater good of another without any expectations of anything in return. Absolutely nothing in this life has been proven to be more influential than acts of kindness, service and of love to others. In fact the recent 75 year-long Harvard Grant was just recently completed their end report was that even for men it’s not prestige, money or their social status that provided a fulfilling life. It was love and connection with others that mattered the most. Nothing can bring more love or connection with family, friends, or strangers than a selfless act of good for another that in no way serves to benefit you at all.

As you know it’s our mission to let as many people as possible, young and old, how to cultivate the best life possible. We are working on getting lots of young philanthropists involved but we will get to you too, adults. Don’t you worry.
Please join us the next 4-5 weeks as we post a lot of simple ideas to focus on acts of service and good to others this holiday season for all ages. We know it will be your best holiday season ever if you engage in even just a few of these ideas and see how it changes your life, your kids life, and anyone you extend a hand to these next few weeks. We promise, you will not stop on December 31st. After getting a taste of how fulfilled you will be after putting some of these practices in place on a consistent basis you will carry this new routine into 2015. You will need no other resolutions for this next year other than hoping you are inspiring others through your actions to do the same.
Please help us spread the word!
To help us build our kindness program
donate here and enter to win in our
40 days of giveaways!