Hail to the Moms everywhere. If you are one you KNOW you deserve this day. In fact you would argue in the court of logic that you deserve an all-paid vacation to an exotic resort in Tahiti for 2 weeks with cocktails served to you while you enjoy an 8 hour massage from a guy named “Thad”. Don’t pretend you didn’t just daydream about that just now.
If you have a Mom but are not a Mom yourself you probably have grown to appreciate her more and more the older you get now that you can see the fruits of her labor in the amazing person you are today. You didn’t get there alone. I promise there were countless nights she wiped up vomit off of every surface known to man, smiled and sang to you as you spit oatmeal in her face as if to say, “What’s up Mom? You feed the dog better food than this!” Not to mention the sleepless nights, tantrums in the grocery store without even a five second warning…..the list goes on and on.
The upside to all of this however is we wouldn’t change a second of it as we adore our beautiful children with their chipmunk cheeks and marvel at their accomplishments daily. Just when we all think our day couldn’t possibly go further south our little one will say something so profound from a place of inner peace and knowledge you swear even scholars of the highest intellect couldn’t match their wisdom.
In celebration of this day we thought we would add a little spin on the standard Mother’s Day bouquet and spa day. Here are two ways we can celebrate Moms and Grandmothers everywhere with a sprinkle of kindness to make the day last a little longer.
If you know a Grandma or Mom who is alone on Mother’s Day or even a woman that is like a Mom to so many that deserves to be acknowledged we suggest a nice surprise at her door. Wrap a small piece of construction paper into the shape of a cone, attach a ribbon with staples to the back into a loop, place some flowers from your garden into the cone along with a mini wand and leave on her door handle. Sometimes just knowing someone is thinking of you is the best thing you can do. This can be used for neighbors, your kids Moms, or any other woman you feel has played a mothering role, kids or not.
![photo 2](http://theinfinitesmileproject.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/photo-2.jpg)
You can easily make your own wand bouquet by purchasing wands from a local craft store such as Michaels or Jo-Ann or at discount stores like the Dollar Tree; downloading/printing/hole punching the corner of the Infinite Smile Project tags and tying the tags around the wand (we have fun trying different color ribbons and of different widths, also adding a dab of hot glue to keep the tag ribbon affixed to the wand). Once you’ve finished making your wands, see the sample letter and itinerary below to print out as a card to gift along with the wand bouquet!
Download & Print the tags here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0WOPnXjgfDTclJmZTFmNzhCRHM/edit?usp=sharing
Here’s a sample of the letter to attach along with your wand bouquet:
Dear Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day! Because I love you so I have booked a week of things you love that only I would know. This week enjoy these activities I have planned for you and then pass on the kindness wand to friends old and new!
Please enjoy these acts of kindness wands and enjoy these activities I have booked for you to fill your heart with happiness and love. Each wand has an activity attached with an activity I know will enrich your soul. You may enjoy each of the things on this list but you must bring the wand with an act of kindness to each location and explain to that person what they must do with the wand. The Infinite Smile wand does come with some responsibility so choose wisely who receives it and help spread the kindness and love!
Attached is your itinerary for the week. You deserve it!
I love you,
Your Name
Example Itinerary for Mary S. week of May 12th-May 16th
Infinite Smile Mother’s Day Week of Kindness
Monday: May 12th
9:00am-12:00 Massage at Le Blanc Spa with best friend, Cindy
12:00: Lunch with Cindy at Las Brisas (wand can be given at massage or at the restaurant)
Tuesday: May 13th
9:00am: Attached is a gift card to select a book at Barnes & Noble. Please find a person at the bookstore to give a wand and small gift to.
10:00am: Please take this book to the beach and enjoy the rest of the day relaxing and escaping into your book. I have cleared your schedule for the day for you.
Wednesday: May 14th
8:00am: Please head down to the Irvine train station. I have booked you a trip to San Diego for the day to meet up with your friend Katie. Please take 3 of the wands and enjoy finding people you and Katie feel need them that day and share the joy down in San Diego. Your train tickets are attached.
6:00pm: Arrive at the train station for your ride back. Don’t forget your ipod to listen to your favorite music and look at the ocean on the drive back. I have updated it with many of your favorite artists.
Thursday: May 15th
7:00pm: Date night with Dad. I have arranged a dinner for you and Dad at your favorite restaurant, Modo Mio. Please bring a wand for your server and something special for him/her thanking them for their hard work and a beautiful evening with your husband
Friday: May 16th
11:00: You have a date with your daughter and two granddaughters! We are going to do an all-girls lunch and tea and then help the girls decide who needs the rest of your wands. We will then hit the town and enjoy the happiness your two beloved granddaughters will spread to your neighborhood
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