Thanksgiving Spectacular
Donate without serving on Thanksgiving Day:- Donation of bottled water, canned or bottled soda, green beans, stuffing, yams, or gift cards to local grocery stores to purchase these items directly.
- Clothes for any age, any gender, any size for the clothes drive being done at the event for homeless
- Hygiene packs: towel, washcloth, soap (liquid or bar) and 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner or one of each
- Legos for kids to play with in lego tent
- morning: Help setting up tables, tents, decorations, sorting clothes 7:00am
- noon on: For any time increment: cooking food, serving food, handing out clothes, helping kids make cards for troops, pet grooming area, haircut area for homeless, kids play area or clean up.

Help for kids outside of our area: Operation Christmas Child
National Collection Week: November 14th-21st If you wish to send a shoebox from your child to a child less fortunate in the world please click here for listed drop off locations the week above. If you wish to donate your time and help process these boxes to be shipped, some locations accept volunteers OR you can volunteer to help process these boxes you can register at this link here.
If all of you are anything like me, you do most of your holiday shopping (if not all if you are me) online -free shipping, no malls, no crowds and saving an immense amount of time saved by the click of a mouse. If you shop at Amazon, please do ISP a little favor and shop from this link. It takes you to amazon directly but donates a small portion of their proceeds to charity. With this link it will to go to ISP. *It does not charge you more money, Amazon takes and donates from THEIR profits from your purchase.https://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-1655292
Your choice in charities to support is huge but would be greatly appreciated if you choose us when you shop at Amazon!
More events and ways to give and help others this holiday season coming soon!