Every year we celebrate the United States’ independence from Britain on the Fourth of July! We can thank the men who fought during the Revolutionary War for our independence and their help in creating our nation! Presently, men and women serve every day in the United States Military and continue to protect us and assist other nations. This month we’d like your help in thanking them!

We challenge you to write a letter to a deployed troop, veteran, new recruit, or first responder thanking them for their commitment and bravery! A wonderful organization called Operation Gratitude makes it their mission “To forge strong bonds between Americans and their Military and First responder heroes through volunteer service projects, acts of gratitude, and meaningful engagements in communities nationwide”. Every year they give back by sending care packages, written letters, and donations from collection drives to men and women deployed overseas, serving locally, in training, or who have served and are now veterans. The people who work for Operation Gratitude spend their time honoring and thanking the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to serve the United States. We encourage you to spend some time this month to do the same! The goal is to have letters sent to Operation Gratitude in June so the service men and women receive them in July, in celebration of the Independence Day!
Some tips for writing letters are below, as outlined on Operation Gratitude’s website!
- Start with a generic salutation, such as “Dear Hero” or “Dear Brave One.”
- Express your thanks for their selfless service.
- Avoid politics completely and religion in excess; however, saying you will pray for them is wonderful.
- Share a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, Work, School, Pets, Travel, etc.
- Talk about life and interests: Your community, Sports, Weather, Music, Movies, Food, Books, etc.
- Adults: Include your contact information (mail or email) so the letter recipient can reply. (Recipients may or may not write back; please do not be disappointed if you do not receive a response.)
- Children’s Letters: Include first names only and do not include addresses (an adult’s address can be used).
- Can’t find the words? Consider drawing or painting a picture instead; please add a note to kids’ drawings with their age.
- No glitter or confetti, please!
- Do not put your individual cards or letters in envelopes—they are not needed and create a burden for our letter screeners.
Items Needed for This Month’s Campaign
- Craft supplies – markers, crayons, glue sticks, stickers, scissors, etc.
- Paper
- Large envelope or box for shipping
- Donation Form – click here to be directed to Operation Gratitude’s donation form
How to Do This Month’s Campaign
Draw a picture or write a letter to a deployed troop, veteran, new recruit, or first responder. Please be sure to follow Operation Gratitude’s letter writing directions listed above. Fill out the donation form online by following the link in the Items Needed list. Place your drawings and/or letters in an envelope or box.
Ship your envelope or box to:
Operation Gratitude ATTN: Letter Writing Program 21100 Lassen Street Chatsworth, CA 91311-4278
Reflection Questions
How are you thankful for the United State Military?
In what other ways can you show kindness to men and women serving, or who have served, in the military?