I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I have friends all over so I love that it keeps me connected with them but hate that it has caused so many problems in our youth. There is no truer statement than the one I have heard lately, “I am so glad social media, camera phones and fingertip technology wasn’t around when I was in school”. Amen.

photo credit jeffbullas.com
What has been cool about social media however in these past few months is watching the ideologies of ISP flourish and grow to over 10K followers on Facebook and over 5K on Instagram in approximately 8-12 weeks time. Now that my friends know my biggest passion outside the home is working with ISP, visiting charities, helping others and teaching kids how to incorporate kind and compassionate acts into every day life – I get a lot of articles and media sent to me on this topic.
My good friend, Heather, sent this to me from D.C. and I believe it is the single best thing I have ever watched. Erica Williams Simon, a contributor of Upworthy.com, posted this media clip from CBS Evening news and wrote this:
“I can’t wait until we’re ready to push the national conversation around bullying beyond ‘stop being mean’ and into the realm of ‘actually proactively be nice’. Wouldn’t that be great? ‘Do no harm’ is a good, bare-minimum message for the cool kids to hear, but ‘go out of your way to make others smile’ is an even better one. It’s so great to see a bunch of football players who already get it.”

Three of the football players interviewed. photo credit sportsnation.com
YES! This is EXACTLY what we are trying to promote. Please watch this 3 minute clip from CBS News and tell me this doesn’t make you cry, warm your heart and want to cultivate this type of behavior in every child in school. This report is the most important one you will see all week, month or maybe even the rest of the year.
Please share this on all your social media and watch it with your kids. Yes, the Infinite Smile Project is for kids, but it is driven by adults -so drive, promote and inspire – kindness.
This was so touching. These boys have a bright future ahead of them 🙂