As quoted from my favorite movie of all time, Sixteen Candles, “What’s happening hot stuff?” (see below) and thanks for dropping by to see what The Infinite Smile Project is all about. So, who are we you ask? We like to think of ourselves as a social experiment that could quite possibly change the world. If you look up the definition of infinite it will simply state something that is “unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless”. Our common goal is to see what happens when people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and interests start reaching out to one another with one fundamental truth in common: kindness. Kindness that creates infectious smiles that carry on as far as the eye can see.
Kindness is something that anyone can give. It doesn’t require money, a certain educational degree or technical training. It doesn’t even require that it is done at a certain time or place. It can be given or received anyplace, anytime, by anyone for any reason. It requires none of these things but holds more power than all combined. Kindness is boundless, nurturing and can turn any bad day around in a split second. One of the best things we have found about kindness is it can come at the most unexpected time which is the type of kindness whose nectar is the sweetest.
If you read the blog post “The Birth of the Infinite Smile Project” you will see how this all started on January 4, 2014 with my 3 year old guinea pigs, A and R. What turned the tide of this simple day of random acts of kindness is the fact that even at age 3 one can comprehend the power of kindness. Even a toddler was able to revel in how it made them feel, to give rather than receive and it was fascinating to witness. Once we saw the span of how pure kindness affected both giver and receiver old and young it sparked a new mission. A mission to see what would happen if through social networking, friends, family, acquaintances and strangers alike we offered kindness, compassion, generosity and respect to one another every day.
What we want to see is a community, city, country, etc. that gets back to these fundamental acts so the hot topics aren’t bullying, depression, and violence. This blog will offer stories that inspire and make you smile, ideas of things you can do in your community to better the morale and most importantly ideas on how to spread kindness in the most organic form. Our initial posts are going to focus on our youngest philanthropists, our children. This blog will provide an online haven for parents of young children and adults who want to unleash their desire to create an aura of happiness wherever they go.
Please follow our blog for our posts on ideas on how we can spread pure yummy goodness in our communities, inspire our kids, better the world and make every day a little sweeter. After practicing random acts of kindness since January we can say with certainty the world has received us in an entirely different way and it’s our new addiction. And I think we kind of like it.
We look forward to you joining our crusade.
X o,
Kim & the Infinite Smile Crusaders