Our Kids Kindness Contest is extended until the end of this month! Why? We have received the most amazing things from kids of all ages. I knew we would get some really amazing characters submitted and were excited to see the ideas were developed by all ages. What I don’t think I fully expected was the depth in which kids can articulate kindness. They are simple ideas that seem so logical once you read them but as adults we for some reason just can’t seem to relay it in such an organic manner. It’s quite fascinating to see actually.
So as we wait for our last few entries we wanted to share a few that touched us from our elementary school age contestants:

Delilah the Parrot is a “talented singer who performs for sick patients giving them hope”. This contestant chose Make a Wish Foundation as the charity Delilah would champion because “Wishes are more than just a nice thing, they are more than gifts, or singular events in time. Just the act of making a child’s wish come true can give them the courage to comply with their medical treatments…..they might feel more optimistic”.

Derek the Bear is “kind and amazing because he loves to help people in need”. Derek backs CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) because it is a hospital that “has over 100 programs and services for the children in need…..I have a friend who has Leukemia who was taken care of at CHOC and they really helped him get better”.

Rocky is amazing and kind because “no matter what, even risking his own safety, he’ll help others when they need it.” Rocky loves Goodwill because “it is a community-based program for people that have disabilities…….anything extra (not sold) gets donated to homeless and people who have disabilities.” Even I didn’t know this…..but Carolyn certainly did her research!

Harriet the Hamster is speaking to our own hearts this month. Just like our monthly ISP Challenge, Blessing Bags, Harriet, “buys things like socks, toothbrushes, food…..puts these things in her bag and….gives to the homeless or (someone) in need”. Abigail chose Povertees, a charity that helps homeless. She chose it because, “After I went to San Francisco to pass out these bags I heard of this charity”. “Homeless people are often invisible and it is my goal to change that.” Can you believe she is only 10 and already a philanthropist? Precious.
and last but not least, one of my favorites, “Hermes”

“Hermes”, by an 11 year old, told us that Hermes has “a magical cape that he puts around the elderly giving them more hope”. Hermes likes to champion Meals on Wheels because considering all of his good work he does helping people around town he “finds time to participate in Meals on Wheels”.
We still have two weeks to get some more entries in! Just email them over to
hello@theinfinitesmile.com! It’s a great activity for the kids to do while out of school next week for Thanksgiving. Get them thinking about kindness and have them create a character out of their favorite animal and name a charity they support that makes their character awesome! That character could be the one that wins AND gets in the new Dylan & Delany book with credits!
Click HERE to access the entry form. We can’t wait to see and post more of these incredible demonstrations of imagination mixed with some kindness in kids this holiday season!
To learn more about the book this character will be featured in please click here