Kids renovating Los Angeles with the Compton Initiative

Kids & adults distributing donated winter items in downtown Santa Ana to homeless in February
So, what does this mean?
This means we now have two awards that we can grant to kids consistently involved in ISP. The President’s Volunteer Service Award is can be handed out annually to those whom achieve a certain amount of hours on their own time, document to us and can receive the award from the President’s office.
The second award is more of a long term award, the Congressional Award, also from the US government, for our youth. This award has a focus of 4 things: voluntary public service, personal development, physical fitness, and expedition/exploration. You do have until your 24th birthday to complete however as a former college recruiter from top universities across the U.S., I can tell you, these types of awards are highly valued by college admissions offices thus I recommend doing them starting at 13 (the minimum age) and completing in order to get the award for your college applications.
How will we do the hours?
That is up to you – which as a busy Mom and business owner, I like. We will give you the campaigns, the challenges, resources and ideas to help kids in their community give back in areas that appeal to them and in any community across the country. If you see the logo above, the Kindness Offensive from London, we are also partnering with them to start clubs here for kids (especially perfect for kids if you watch the videos – always a party atmosphere). Check out their website and videos, they made giving back fun and we used to Skype with them on a regular basis for ideas and inspiration (and their antics of course). They are the craziest, most awesome group of guys with a start-up history that includes Mohammad Ali (true story) and lots of events in London. Click here to check them out.
So what now?
I am able to give out as many of these awards as achieved so it’s a matter of an application to the Infinite Smile Project to be an Ambassador. We have a starter kit we are sending to new Ambassadors with a T-shirt, Kindness Star to inspire another, business cards, and handbook.

Awards for resumes can be achieved through own projects and philanthropies, our campaigns and challenges, or a combination of both. Hours can be accumulated quicker when clubs started on campuses but not a requirement.
KimIf you or someone else is interested in applying or would like more information, please email me at hello@theinfinitesmile.com. Open to anyone in U.S. starting at age 5. Once the shirts and handbooks are printed we are ready to send out the kits to new Ambassadors.