Hi Amazing ISP’ers and new friends!
Thank you for all that came out and helped this family at our #SomethingSpecial event. We had a room full of kids and adults and raised over $2,000 in 2 hours for the Webb family.

I wanted to share some photos and let everyone know that kids all over OC came and donated tooth fairy money, piggy bank savings, allowance money and even a large sum from a birthday party one ISP Ambassador had asking solely for donations to give to the Webb family directly. Your kids are INCREDIBLE and I am blessed to know them. All of them.

Parents – I am so fortunate to know you and have your support as well. Without you, your kids would not be volunteering and have the charitable heart you have taught them to share. Your children are amazing because of you and the values you have instilled in them from a very young age. I know it is not new information to you when I say you should be incredibly proud of the kids you are raising.
If you ever wonder if getting in the car in the rain, when sick or tired, or just want to say, “not today”, just know this was the outcome. A note was written to me after by Mr. Webb himself when his boys came home after the event with loads of stuffed toys dedicated to them and heard this event was all for them. He couldn’t believe this was all for him and said his heart was touched at the generosity and how it lifted his spirits that day.
Your kids did this – and it was AWESOME.
Several people asked me if they can still donate to the Webb boys if they couldn’t come to the event. The answer is yes, there is a Go Fund Me but I am also collecting with no charge for a service so I can give them 100% of the funds as well in one large check. If you wish to go directly to the Go Fund Me after this week you can locate their link
Kim xoxoxo
(please excuse the formatting as our WP is currently under updates but we wanted to get the post out ASAP!)
For your viewing pleasure, some more photos from the #SomethingSpecial event: