Driving back from a day of gluttony at The Grove in Los Angeles, we took a wrong turn on the way back and saw rows upon rows of tents as far as we could see with homeless men, women, and children. In our car were our girls gasping at what we just stumbled upon. It even struck them the distinct difference between the day we just had in this beautiful shopping district and the lives so many others were living that day just miles away. Just then myself and my friend decided it was the perfect time for a kindness project for our kiddos. We hope you will join us!

- Collection/drop off locations in your area for new or gently used coats, scarves, winter hats, gloves.
- Two bins at drop off for new socks and sanitary items (soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.)
- A group of amazing kids and adults that want to help
- cardstock or thicker paper
- hole punch and ties
- sharpies for notes
- Locate 2-4 drop off sites for the collection
- email all your friends and family to donate gently used items or purchase socks, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, protein bars, hand sanitizer
- Give collection a due date
- Set a date at location of your choice for all donations to come to one place to stuff socks with donations and separate coats and other items
- Take sharpie and cardstock paper, punch a hole at the top, and tie a long string to top.
- Find places that are safe but has a homeless population to place coats on trees and such with these items.
- Attach notes to jacket or tie around the tree or pole.