We were given 3 areas to give back to this holiday season. The Infinite Smile Project works with our Wounded Warriors so we chose to support our Military and Veterans.

Our first kindness shipment to Afghanistan we sent in January 2014.
Below are the objectives for this project set for each age group
- pre-k to 2nd grade: making cards for our deployed men and women for the holidays
- 3rd-5th graders: Small stocking with basic items (list of ideas to be provided) for military
- 6th to 12th grade: Box of seasonal goods for them to feel closer to home (cocoa, candy canes, holiday decorations, etc.)
Why we love this program for kids to give back
GenerationON is an organization out of NYC that engages millions of adolescent volunteers every year. Each age bracket has a packet of info for us to use that provides resources that are age appropriate to help our kids understand WHO we are giving our time to and WHY this service project is important. This is what ISP values as well – not only just doing the service act, but providing a process and objectives to “make it real”. We will even provide you with ideas for reading material or you tube videos that explain why our military works so hard to fight for our freedom and what it provides to us in ways each age bracket can understand. Please join our team! It’s free, fun, and a great way to empower our kids to understand on a deeper level what it means to give back. Deadline to join our team is Saturday, 11/29. Email us and we will send you off your easy instructions.Looking forward to working on our first 40 DAYS OF GIVEAWAYS campaign service project together! For more information on the Joy Maker Challenge click here