As more and more people are finding out about ISP I am receiving so many fun emails from the most amazing people. One last week was from a lady from
Word Rocks who gave me this amazing idea in exchange for some smile wands. Fair trade I think.
Word Rocks is exactly what you think it is, maybe. Basically they are wonderful, fun sayings or words written on rocks and left anywhere and everywhere people roam to brighten their day.

As luck should have it we live near the beach so we spent some time last week finding some gorgeous rocks that my four year old twins (happy birthday girls!) found in the sand and then at the tide pools. They selected their favorites, we washed and dried them at home and then decorated them the next day. Clearly I did most of the decorating, but they were fantastic supervisors.

The next day, as any democracy would, we nominated our favorite spots around town and dropped off about twenty rocks in different locations for unsuspecting people to find.

Whoever you are, if you found them and are reading this post, we hope it made your day a little brighter!

As always, comments, questions and emails are welcome. Enjoy your week everyone!